Glue, Salt & Watercolour pictures

We also made glue and salt pictures. I transferred wood glue into these little bottles with spouts for easier drawing. You can also use a paintbrush and paint the glue pic too whichever you have available. We then covered the glue pictures with salt. After that we mixed up some water colour (you could use food colour) and gently drop watercolour onto the salt. Allow to dry? such a cool effect and something different to just painting a picture ?

Recycling bin is magic

The girls got into the recycling and started creating! Leah made a guitar type instrument with loom band elastics and then after that they both made an outside hanging mobile thing from plastic bottles that I cut for them and they then painted it. When it dries we might decorate it with black permanent marker.

Rainbows in the Hood

We got a great idea to draw with chalk outside from our dear friend Julie and combined it with another idea from our area Facebook group to draw rainbows for the kids walking around the neighbourhood to spot.

So off Scarlett went and drew some rainbows on our front door and pavement in front of our house, just a little something for the kids to spot while doing the daily neighbourhood walks ?

The fun then continued with more chalk drawing in our cul de sac, a game of hopscotch and a spot of car washing too! All in a days work!

Chalk washes off right?

Messy Play Saturday!

These two activities such a hit! Last night I made food colouring ice cubes with match sticks to help with cold fingers. It didn’t work quite as planned, the girls still got cold and stained fingers but the artworks created was worth it! Next up corn flour, water and herbs and spices to the rescue. Been over 20 mins and they still playing (outside). I love corn flour more than flour because it creates a kind of resistance when you try mixing it, the girls found this super cool. My sister in law did something similar with her son in Belgium and I knew I had to do it my girls too! 

The aftermath of messy play, even Luna got into the fun! Then it was messy play clean up! Scarlett loves washing dishes!

Corn flour puppy to the rescue!

Virtual Playdate via Google Hangouts

We also attempted our first Virtual play date with friends. The girls took out their LEGO and played and chatted for an hour over Google hangouts. I also took Scarlett later for a drive to a friends house to throw something over their wall and ended up having a little chat via their upstairs window. These little interactions make all the difference when you have been social distancing for almost 7 days.

Friends chatting from a safe distance